The automobile and the auto parts industry have a great potential in Mexico. According to recent studies, up until 2020, the automobile industry will grow six percent and three percent for the auto part industry. This steady growth makes Mexico a leading country in this sector, having the fifth place worldwide during 2016.
In recent years, Mexico has position itself as a global leader in the aerospace industry. During the economic period of 2004 - 2013, the average growth in this sector was an outstanding 17% and last year alone made a total of $85,000 million MXN. The imports made a total of $68,640 million MXN, making the country have a positive gain in the trade balance.
The biotechnology industry is formed by the developing, commercialization and manufacturing of the products based on advanced research in this field. In Mexico, there are more than 180 companies that work in this sector. These companies are divided among the following fields: 31% are associated with the agriculture sector, 23% environment, 18% health, 18% food industry and the remaining 10% are among other areas.
As we advance into the future, renewable energies are becoming popular among the energy sector. Recent research, the developing of new technologies, and spread of information have caused investors and companies move towards this field. The most popular of renewable energies are hydropower, wind power, solar energy, geothermal energy, and biomass.
In Mexico, Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) has 246 power plants that obtain their energy from renewable resources; the stages of Oaxaca and Veracruz have the most power plants that are based on wind power and biomass technologies.
The electronics industry has position itself among the most important in our time. This industry is divided among the telecommunication, medical and semiconductors sectors. During recent years, Mexico has beed a leading country as an exporter and assembler of electronic devices. It is estimated that in the year of 2013, Mexico's production lines made $64 thousand Million dollars, and $1,173 million MXN in exporting goods. The USA was the main consumer, followed by Canada, Colombia and Netherlands.
The health industry is divided among the medical instruments, biotechnology, pharmaceutical and services. During the year of 2013, Mexico's production within this sector made a total of $244,000 million MXN. This consisted in the exportation of medical instruments, surgery, veterinarian services and orthodontics procedures.
Here in Trebol Capital, we are aware of the social impact that the health sector has in the country. For that reason, we have taken upon ourselves to make alliances with universities that concentrate their studies in the technological fields and experts in this field.
During the turn of the century, the branch of the electronic industry known as TIC's began grew. This sector specializes in developing software and applications. Within Mexico, several of states began to take the initiative to invest in TIC's markets since investors saw the great potential that it has. One of these states was Aguascalientes, which now holds the eighth place in Mexico contributing with a 2.9% to the GDP in this sector.
As a result of these investments, Mexico has become more competitive as years ago by. This is possible through the strategic geographical position that it has. In addition, the popularity of TIC's markets has been increasing in recent years because it is an attractive market for investors. Because Mexico is known to have cheaper manufacturing processes that could save up to 15% in prices a comparison with the United States.